Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama’s speech to kids

President Obama is doing a planned speech to all the kids at school, which are able to recieve it. Already this speech that hasn’t even been aired yet has recieved a lot of criticism from parents and teachers and news stations around the US. Why? No one knew what he’d say to America’s children and objected to it. People critical of his speech to kids this morning made quite the stink, accusing Obama of trying to indoctrinate school children with a socialist agenda.
The controversial speech released this Monday, and to so many people’s surprise, the speech is totally clean of any potential evil rhetoric. The speech is a great speech for the children to hear from their president. Even the most conservative American may considered it to be a good speech to the children.
In his speech, he “expect every great things of you”, and told the kids that "At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world," Obama said. "And none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities." Of cause, the speech is so much more than this. It will be aired on school televisions and has been released for all that wondered, you can view it at: Obama’s speech to the kids
From the speech we can see that the only Mr. President is trying to do is to encourage the kids to staying in school and getting up with more education.

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