Friday, September 11, 2009

Inside the revolution

Tonight,September 11, 2009, Joel C. Rosenberg and Lt.-General (ret.) Jerry Boykin, former commander of Delta Force, will host a national town hall meeting to discuss the threat of Radical Islam, the future of Israel, and the role of the Church in the Middle East. They
They will show a 30-minute except from the Inside the Revolution documentary film to an audience of some 2,500 in Philadelphia, and will then answer questions from the audience and viewers around the world. Over 600 churches throughout North America will be broadcasting the webcast of the 2-hour event in their auditoriums, as they hope the event serves as a catalyst for an ongoing conversation on these vital topics in the weeks and months ahead.
The meeting will be broadcasted live at 7:00pm Eastern time, and rebroadcasting it again at 7:00pm Pacific Time, via Windows Media.

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