Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Surprise from Senegal----Akon

Having a musical family birth, Akon shows great talent in music.
Akon was affected by his father, an musician in Jazz, since he was young. When he for the first time listened to Hip-hop, He thought it’s kind of junk music. When he finally find out the temple of Hip-Hop music, he got addicted in it.
After all the achievement he obtained in 2003, he devoted himself on his new album, Konvicted, combining his experience and stories. Later, with the success of Konvicted, he well-known to the world as a sensible and talented singer, and at the same time a creator and a producer.
Akon contact with all kinds of music while he mostly beloved spiritual songs.
During his trip of art, he give us a lot of long-stay songs, among which I love lonely the most. Lonely had the highest clicking rate in the world when it released and it was what made Akon known all around American, even the world.
I considered Akon as a magic and a gift from God, he made mistakes, he lost, but anything happened in his life would became the source of his creation and showed to the world. That why I regard Akon an idol of mine, we are all getting through difficulties and Akon could sign a example for us and motivate us to carry on.

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