Sunday, August 9, 2009

Criss Angel, did he die?

Did Criss Angel die? Rumor has it. We don’t have any clearly source to prove Criss’ dead and in mainstream media, neither any not that mainstream media, like B or C-list media. Every related material seems to show that Criss is alive right now.
So, the entire Criss Angel thing is no more than a rumor, than guess?Well, if you have to say that, we did not do that without any reason.
Let’s see what kind of person Criss is, or maybe was, first. I would rather call him an enchanter than just a person because of all his done. I just cannot list all the amazing things about him (if you didn’t know him, search the internet about, you would be astonished.), but one thing is certain, he is capable of what we can’t do, or maybe the entire human can’t. You may think I am a little Personality cult, I am not gonna deny that, yes, I admire him, as a god.
And lately, I mean when the rumor goes. There are wired things. What have to be pointed out first is that Criss is a performer who takes risks all the time, merely every single piece of his magic may cost his life. And the wired things are that Criss is a serial promoter but he seems not as popular as he was. And as that rumor goes, no one comes out to give any clarification.
The entire event is still in the Fog, but we can know soon, if Criss really died in the car crash.

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