Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sex and city

Long time ago we have been introduced into this sitcom by our university teachers, and lots of my classmates therefore have become “Sex and city” fans, of course, including me.

At first, I was not quite fond of the scenes, characters, and stories involved in this sitcom, because the some pictures occur on the screen are not that decent, which, as far as a student’s concerned, does not matched our status. Some girls will felt humiliated if they were found by others that they have seen the sitcom. Besides which, as for my consideration, the actors display in the sitcom are not handsome or beautiful enough. Even in some situations, I found that the ladies are far beyond the endurance of the audiences in terms of looks. And lastly, stories are kind of departure from innovation.

But why I have become a fun of them too in the end? This is really a tough question. Yet, I can explain some.

Firstly, though they don’t own outstanding appearances, they are sexy, charming, and trendy, which is what most youngsters are pursuing.

Secondly, the stories are not updated adequately; yet, many are closely related to our life here and there. From which we can learn how to maintain a relationship well including the relationships that between lovers, relatives and friends. When we are confronting the TV or PC and enjoying the sitcom, we can learn, we can feel, and we view.

Doubtlessly, there are still lots to account for the reason why I fall in love with this sitcom, but I have to call it a day since all those points failed to break into my mind in a second.

My dear friends, have you seen this movie, what do you think this sitcom?

Wish we can share!

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