Friday, July 31, 2009

The Honda recall

What’s the function of an airbag? The answer might be clear, but in the recent “Honda recall” case, it seems that this question is kind of hard to answer. Because there are airbags cannot do their duties.

In Jennifer Griffin’s case, she was nearly got killed during an accident not because anything else but the airbag, her airbag shot out mental fragments when the accident happened. It may be kind of ridiculous, an airbags is supposed to save your life when accidents happen instead of hurting it. And this case is definitely not a separate event or an exception, you can find victims across the country.

The victims got together and filed a lawsuit against Honda, which considered being the cause of the later Honda recall.

Honda admitted that there were problems with the cars and decided to do a limited recall to placate the discontent of the victims and to protect the public credibility of Honda. The call back is limited and specific Fahrzeugtyp m is given.
Loss is definite done, both the victims and Honda Corp., while to insure the rights of customers is the most fundamental issue for such a transnational corporation, Honda have no excuse to get out of this.

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