Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How do you find a diet and nutrition facts dabase online?

You can find diet and nutrition facts about what's in most commercial foods online at the DietFacts.com database. For example, take pumpkin pie. If you make it at home, you can adjust the calorie content by the ingredients you add. But if you buy a commercial pumpkin pie, you can find out the ingredients anda the calorie content of a slice of pie at the diet database online called DietFacts.com..

Commercial pumpkin pies vary in calorie content. Check out the site for restaurant diet facts, such as how many calories in which foods served at specific restaurants. See Nutrition facts and diet information on fast foods and restaurants sites. Also check out the article, Low-Carb Diet, Should I or Shouldn't I?." The article notes, "There is very little evidence on the long-range safety of low-carb diets."

When you go on a low or high carb diet, you don't know unless you've been tested how your particular blood, metabolic, and body type will react to a specific diet unless you have a medical professional test your cholesterol, glucose, insulin and blood-pressure levels while you're on the specific diet. Ask yourself and your doctor this question: "Why is the over-all success rate for low-carb and other types of diets so similar? Could it be that different body types respond individually to diets according to their genetic signatures and expressions as well as lifestyles and exercise patterns?"

Are you getting bored with eating the foods on the diet you chose? Are you staying too long on a low carb diet or not long enough? Or are you experiencing a stressful metabolic state? Do you feel nauseaus or are going into ketosis from your diet? What's the diet like long range? Or would you rather stick to a diet that's pretty much balanced and considered moderate as far as carbs? It all depends on how your individual body reacts to which amount of carbs in what type of balance.

For example, take pumpkin pie. When you make it at home, you put in the ingredients you want. When you go out to eat, at the DietFacts.com site, you can select a particular restaurant, its menu item, and see the calories and other information. For example, let's look at the restaurant chain, Hometown Buffet's pumpkin pie. To research it, first click on DietFact.com link for the item, Hometown Buffet Pumpkin Pie.

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